Charles E. Schmidt College of Science Continuity of Operations Plan
Plans and Procedures
The College of Science maintains a Hurricane Emergency Plan and Continuity of Operations Plan covering all of its departments and facilities
Alert Procedure
- Dean's office receives emergency message
- Dean's office begins notification procedure
Notification Procedure
- Dean's office notifies essential personnel, on attached list
- Dean's office designates assembly point for essential personnel and activates plan as required
Upon receipt of emergency message the Dean activates COOP
Assigned personnel respond & report to Dean's conference room as required. If inaccessible assigned personnel will report to the University's Emergency Response Location located at
Mission Essential Functions
Mission Essential Functions
- Secure and maintain vital records and databases of the College.
- Secure and maintain all research equipment and ongoing research projects.
Incident Response Team
COOP Author & Point of Contact
Dominique Blanchard, Business Manager, 7-3302,
Planning Assumptions
These plans are limited to emergencies that directly affect College of Science buildings, faculty, staff and students
To prepare and guide the faculty & staff of the COS to effectively respond to an emergency that effects the COS
To provide a plan for preparing and responding to any emergency effecting the COS
Applicability & Scope
The COS SOP is applicable to all essential functions of the COS, during an emergency as declared by the University that directly effects COS faculty, staff, equipment and the buildings they occupy.
Mission Essential Functions
- Safety of COS faulty, staff & students
- Protection of vital records/databases
- Protection of all research equipment & specimens
Direction & Control
The Dean's office will be responsible for directing the COS response team, based on University instruction to implement the COOP
Alert & Notification
The Dean's office will notify the response team and the Department & Center Chairs for implementing the employee contact phone tree
Alternate Operations
The Incident Response Team (IRT) will operate out of the College's Dean's Conference room, in the event that this location is unavailable, the IRT will operate out of the Campus Operations Building #69. If the Boca locations are inaccessible the site support location in Davie will be utilized.
Following the emergency event, each facility coordinator will report to the Dean a damage assessment including, the status of their facility, equipment and research operation requirements. The report should include requirements for reconstitution of the facility and equipment.
Minor Event
A minor event is a non-life threatening emergency that affects COS personnel, equipment or property, such as a minor HAZMAT spill, electrical outage or accident. In this event, the facility coordinator will determine what elements of the COS COOP should be activated
Campus Event
A campus event affects more than one facility on campus and requires a university response. The COS Dean's office will respond appropriately to the university's request to implement any appropriate elements of the COS COOP
Regional Event
A regional event is a major event that affects the county as well as FAU and EHS, such as a hurricane or flood.
Response Plan and SOP's
The COOP Point of Contact will notify EH&S of any relocation contact information required to fulfill the implementation of the plan
Site Support
The COS administration alternate site is located in the Education and Science Building on the Davie campus Room 225
Building Evacuation
All COS buildings will follow the normal fire alarm evacuation procedures.
Mission Essential Functions
- Ensure Safety of all COS personnel, students and visitors
- Ensure continued operation of all equipment essential to the maintenance of ongoing research
- Landline telephones
- Cellular telephones
- College Web site
Vital Records and Databases
Each department in the COS is responsible for the back up and off site storage of their critical records, not stored on the college's central server. The COS central server is backed up and tapes are stored at an alternate location on campus in addition to an off campus site.
Vital Equipment
Door cards used to identify critical equipment that may require special procedures for its protection (e.g. emergency power to freezers/refrigerators, protection from water damage, water reactive chemicals, etc.) must be placed on all spaces housing such equipment
Personnel Issues and Coordination
Communication Plan
The telephone tree established by each department, will be implemented upon notification to the dept chair, or designee, by a member of the Incident Response Team.
Special Needs
COS staff will notify the COOP author concerning any special needs or requirements as they arise, to be incorporated into the annual plan update.
Electrical Power Requirements
The College of Science buildings have back-up generators to supply power in case of electrical power failure, (except bldg 43). These generators must receive preventative maintenance on a regular schedule. All generators must be kept fully fueled with arrangements for a constant supply of diesel fuel and oil for the duration of all power outages.
Strategic Multi Year Plan
FY 2006-07 (Priority Order)
- Install card key access on one entrance door to bldg 1 and bldg 12, hooked up to generator power to allow access during power outages.
- Obtain an estimate to install 2 each 110VAC 20 and 30 amp circuits on emergency outlets in each of the following labs in bldg 43; 105, 109, 123, 126, 127, 130, 135, 139 and 233. Allowing for a refrigerator and freezer both on back up power.
- Obtain an estimate on installing a second emergency generator for the Biomedical Science building to support additional ultralow freezers, refrigerators and –20 freezers
- Obtain an estimate on the cost to purchase two portable generators and a portable air conditioning unit to power specific computer needs to support the college's information technology system and time sensitive research data,
- Obtain an estimate to install an emergency outlet in bldg 1 room 243, to support the tissue culture lab incubators.
FY 2007-08 and beyond: Fund as many improvements as possible from above list.
Lessons Learned
- Provide a continual source of diesel fuel to all campus generators. During the hurricanes in 2004, fuel was depleted in at least one generator
- Allow continual access to campus for all vendors providing dry ice, and cryogens needed to maintain sensitive equipment and research data.
- Allow campus access to all faculty, staff and students designated "essential personnel" or those with a letter from the Dean. Each department will be asked to update this list at the beginning of the summer and provide it to the COOP author and the Provost's office for approval.