Clinic Fees

Some sessions will be remote using WebEx, and some will be in-person at the Clinic at FAU. Evaluations will be in-person.

Medicare will now be accepted, as well as the following Private Pay Fees.

STANDARD CLIENTS (the community at large)

Standard Client: Private Pay, Cost Per Session

60-Minute Session 45-Minute Session 30-Minute Session Diagnostic Each additional Child
$40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $250.00 $5.00 off

FAU COMMUNITY (provide evidence of employment at FAU or that child attends A.D. Henderson University School)

FAU Community: Private Pay, Cost Per Session

60-Minute Session 45-Minute Session 30-Minute Session Diagnostic Each additional Child
$30.00 $25.00 $15.00 $125.00 $5.00 off

FULL TIME FAU STUDENTS (provide evidence of current course schedule)

FAU Student: Private Pay, Cost per Session

60-Minute Session 45-Minute Session 30-Minute Session Diagnostic Each additional Child
$20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $60.00 $5.00 off


This charge changes every year; in 2023 it is $15.94 per session and $40 co-pay for the initial diagnostic.


Evaluation, Hearing (Faculty and Students receive a 50% discount)

  • General Audiologic: $50.00
  • Tinnitus Evaluation and Consult: $100.00


Sliding Fee Scale: If you think you might need a Sliding Fee Scale, please fill out the Application, and contact us for any questions you may have. Contact Terry Clark at


For all current and prospective clients, beginning in Fall Semester of 2021, the Communication Disorders Clinic is now accepting Medicare and Private Pay on a “Pay per Session” basis. Please refer to the Clinic Fee Schedule for details.